Cap City Cobras
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In 2014 on a beautiful May day, Cobra founder Will Thomson decided he wanted to play some baseball. In his own words, Will describes his inspiration as follows:
“I had just finished watching Ken Burns Baseball the night before, and woke up all hungover* and weepy about the nostalgia the documentary had instilled (* I was hungover as hell because hard liquor is the only way to keep Ken Burns’ siren baseball song from putting you straight to sleep). In my blurry state that morning, I decided that if those goofy bankers and firefighters in 1790 Manhattan could muster the energy to find teammates, and a field across the Hudson River in New Jersey's Elysian Fields to play a children's ball game; then I could drag my happy ass over to Play-it-Again Sports, score some catcher gear, post a selfie on Facebook inviting all comers, and go scope out the field across the Colorado River I'd had my eyes on the last couple years.”
Will bought two bats, catcher’s gear, a bucket (named Byron), a baker’s dozen of baseballs, and a couple cases of beer. The people who came out that first day did not come out for games or glory – they came out for the love of baseball (and, to be honest, the beer). At that time, the idea to form a legitimate team had not even been entertained, players met on Sundays for good times, Sunday Sandlots, and a couple beers. Will had no idea that his fondness towards baseball and willingness to get out there would eventually result in the Cap City Cobras.
Then as things happen in Austin, a member of the East Austin Jardineros Sandlot Team invited us to scrimmage and have a couple mashups with our crew of misfits – denim cutoffs, chain wallets, knives, and all. Our first season was rough - we did not record a win, but did secure our first beer sponsor (PRIORITIES!!). As the team developed, Will laid out the team’s 3-part philosophical approach: 1) Show Up; 2) Play Well; and 3) Have Fun. Our poor play, and winless record, did nothing to deter our spirits. In fact, we were more excited than ever to be the newest addition to Austin's Sandlot community.
Over the years, the Cobras developed into a one-of-a-kind Sandlot machine. They started winning, rebuilt their practice field alongside dedicated community partners, and took the team on the road to battle fellow Sandlot diehards on their own turf. Many winning seasons, new sponsors, fans and supporters fueled the Cobras towards great success and reinforced our belief in inclusive adult baseball, and clearly demonstrated that the Sandlot Revolution was just getting started.
Learn more about the Cobras story here - Cap City Cobras